After a hectic summer in which I also got to know new mandatory activities such as cleaning apartments, washing bed linen, ironing and making beds, there was finally some peace back in life. In September I decided to get straight to work on the tasks that still await me. But sometimes both your body and your mind say: Stop. Wait a minute. Take it... Read this blog
Who doesn't know the well-known Dutch program "Ik vertrek"? A program that follows couples and families who take the step abroad, often with the intention of setting up a B&B or other tourist accommodation. Usually, all sorts of things go wrong, from bureaucratic red tape to financial setbacks. After almost 4 years of renovations, I was convin... Read this blog
If you want to make a good impression on an Italian terrace and fancy a sparkling wine, ask if they also serve "Alta Langha Spumante". This wine has become a household name, especially in the northern regions of Italy. I first came into contact with Alta Langha Spumante when I got to know the "Durio" wine family. The conditions for production incl... Read this blog